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Maximizing Your Cybersecurity Learn How to Conduct a Thorough Risk Assessment

As our world becomes more dependent on digital technologies, businesses, regardless of their size or industry, are being confronted with an expanding array of cybersecurity threats. Whether it’s falling prey to phishing schemes or being hit with a crippling ransomware assault, the ramifications of cyber incidents can be catastrophic, leaving lasting financial and reputational damage.

A recent  EY report paints a stark picture of the current state of cybersecurity in the banking world. It reveals that despite cybersecurity being deemed the topmost risk facing global banks, around 58% of Chief Risk Officers (CROs) lack the necessary confidence in their defenses against malevolent cyber events. This, in turn, jeopardizes their organization’s ability to effectively combat cyber risks, leaving them vulnerable to potentially catastrophic consequences.

To be on the safer side, it’s essential for businesses to conduct regular cybersecurity risk assessments. In this article, we’ll explore what a cybersecurity risk assessment is and how to conduct one.

What is a cybersecurity risk assessment

A cybersecurity risk assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s security position. It involves identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities that could leave the business open to cyber threats, assessing the likelihood of those threats, and determining the potential impact of a breach. The goal of a cybersecurity risk assessment is to provide businesses with a clear picture of their security risks so they can develop a plan to address those risks.

Why is a cybersecurity risk assessment important

The World Economic Forum has recently published a paper that sheds light on the alarming surge in malware and ransomware attacks. The report indicates that malware attacks have increased by a staggering 358%, while ransomware attacks have seen a jaw-dropping spike of 435%.

These figures are a clear indication that cybercrime is on the rise, and businesses must be proactive in their approach to cybersecurity to prevent potentially devastating consequences. The WEF report serves as a reminder that cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and organizations must remain vigilant and stay up to date with the latest security measures to safeguard against these threats.

The importance of a cybersecurity risk assessment cannot be misrepresented. According to a survey conducted by EY and IIF, cybersecurity is considered the top risk for the approaching year by 72% of CROs worldwide. Following closely are credit and environmental risks.

With cyber threats becoming increasingly advanced and frequent, it’s essential for businesses to understand their risks and vulnerabilities. A cybersecurity risk assessment can help identify weaknesses in a business’s security stance, enabling them to take proactive steps to mitigate those risks. Additionally, conducting regular cybersecurity risk assessments can help businesses stay compliant with regulations and requirements.

How to conduct a cybersecurity risk assessment

● Identify Assets and Threats
It is the crucial first step in conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment. This involves identifying the key assets that need to be protected, such as databases, networks, and applications, and assessing the potential threats that could compromise these assets.

By identifying the assets and threats, businesses can create a comprehensive inventory of their cybersecurity risks, which is vital for developing an effective mitigation strategy. Furthermore, identifying assets and threats enables organizations to prioritize their cybersecurity efforts by determining which assets are most critical to their operations and which threats pose the greatest risk. Overall, a thorough understanding of the assets and threats is crucial for any successful cybersecurity risk assessment.

● Evaluate Vulnerabilities and Potential Impacts
Once assets and threats have been identified, the next step in a cybersecurity risk assessment is to evaluate vulnerabilities and potential impacts. This involves assessing the weaknesses or vulnerabilities that exist in the systems, processes, or technologies used to protect the assets.
By evaluating these vulnerabilities, businesses can determine the likelihood of a cyber attack and the potential impact it could have on their operations, reputation, and financial health. Evaluating vulnerabilities and potential impacts also help businesses identify areas that need immediate attention and prioritize mitigation strategies. Overall, this step is crucial in developing a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and developing a plan to address them.

● Determine Likelihood and Risk Level
After identifying the assets and threats and evaluating vulnerabilities and potential impacts, the next step in a cybersecurity risk assessment is to determine the likelihood and risk level of each threat.

This involves assessing the probability of a threat occurring and the potential impact it could have on the organization. By determining the likelihood and risk level, businesses can prioritize their mitigation strategies and allocate resources effectively.

Additionally, this step enables businesses to assess the cost-effectiveness of their mitigation strategies and determine the best course of action for reducing the overall risk level. Overall, determining the likelihood and risk level is a critical step in any effective cybersecurity risk assessment.

● Develop Mitigation Strategies
Developing mitigation strategies is a critical step in a cybersecurity risk assessment, and it involves identifying and implementing measures to reduce the likelihood and potential impact of cyber threats. Mitigation strategies can include a range of technical and non-technical measures, such as implementing access controls, deploying firewalls and antivirus software, and training employees on cybersecurity best practices.
The mitigation strategies must be tailored to the specific risks identified in the risk assessment and be continuously monitored and updated to remain effective. It’s also essential to consider the cost and feasibility of each strategy and ensure that they align with the organization’s risk tolerance and business objectives. Ultimately, developing effective mitigation strategies is crucial for protecting against cyber threats and minimizing the potential impact of any attacks.

● Implement and Monitor Mitigation Strategies
Once the mitigation strategies have been identified and developed, the next step in a cybersecurity risk assessment is to implement and monitor them. This involves deploying the strategies across the organization and ensuring that they are functioning correctly.

It’s important to monitor the effectiveness of the mitigation strategies regularly to identify any weaknesses or gaps that may exist. This enables businesses to adjust their strategies and address any emerging threats proactively. Moreover, businesses must establish an incident response plan to ensure that the organization can respond quickly and efficiently in case of a cyber attack.

Ongoing monitoring and testing of the mitigation strategies are crucial to maintain the organization’s cybersecurity level and ensure that the assets are adequately protected against potential threats. Overall, implementing and monitoring mitigation strategies is a crucial step in any effective cybersecurity risk assessment.

How your organization can benefit by conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment

1. Improved cybersecurity levels: Conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment helps businesses identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, enabling them to develop effective mitigation strategies and ultimately improving their overall cybersecurity posture.

2. Reduced risks and vulnerabilities: By identifying and addressing potential risks and vulnerabilities, businesses can significantly reduce the likelihood of a cyber attack.

3. Protection against cyber threats: Developing effective mitigation strategies and implementing them helps businesses protect their assets against potential cyber threats, ensuring continuity of operations.

4. Compliance with regulations: Conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment helps businesses meet regulatory and compliance requirements.

5. Increased stakeholder confidence: Demonstrating a proactive approach to cybersecurity through a risk assessment can increase stakeholder confidence in the organization’s ability to protect sensitive information.

6. Cost savings: Identifying and addressing potential risks and vulnerabilities proactively can help businesses avoid costly data breaches and other cyber incidents, ultimately leading to cost savings.

7. Improved decision-making: Conducting a risk assessment provides valuable insights into the organization’s cybersecurity stance, enabling informed decision-making around cybersecurity investments and resource allocation.

8. Competitive advantage: A robust cybersecurity posture can be a competitive advantage, particularly for businesses operating in industries with high cybersecurity risks.

9. Protection of reputation: A successful cyber attack can cause significant reputational damage to businesses, whereas a strong cybersecurity stance can protect against such damage.

10. A proactive approach to cybersecurity: Conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment demonstrates a proactive approach to cybersecurity, which can foster a culture of security within the organization and promote a heightened sense of awareness among employees.


Conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment is crucial for any business that wants to protect itself from the ever-increasing risks of cyber threats. By identifying assets and threats, evaluating vulnerabilities and potential impacts, determining the likelihood and risk level, developing mitigation strategies, and implementing and monitoring those strategies, businesses can develop a comprehensive understanding of their security risks and take proactive steps to address them.
Regular cybersecurity risk assessments also help organizations stay compliant with regulations and requirements. Ultimately, the benefits of conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment are numerous, including safeguarding the business’s operations, reputation, and financial health against potentially catastrophic consequences of cyber incidents. Therefore, every business should prioritize conducting regular cybersecurity risk assessments to stay ahead of the evolving cyber threats landscape.

Protect your business from cyber threats. Conduct a cybersecurity risk assessment now. Contact us to identify risks, vulnerabilities and develop mitigation strategies to keep your business secure. Stay compliant and ahead of the threat landscape. Don’t wait, schedule a consultation today.


Things to Remember for Successful RPA Implementation


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has become an integral part of the functioning of any company. RPA increases the return on Investment (ROI) and is an easier and quicker implementation process. It improves the core strength of the company and yields high benefits. In the first year, according to the McKinsey survey, the return on investment increased by 30-200%. RPA facilitates cybersecurity, data management and compliance to regulations.

RPA Compared to Traditional Process Transformation

                    RPA Compared to Traditional Process Transformation Approaches

There must be a harmonious relationship between human staff and the technology to increase benefits. Implementing RPA is easy, but it needs to be planned appropriately and implemented accurately for extracting the best benefits.

  1. Plan Judiciously:

Any organization needs to create a precise and step-wise plan about what they expect from automation. Team Ampcus works accordingly with the clients’ expectations and eases the process of RPA adoption. We help the clients understand and adopt automation into their everyday work schedule. Planning becomes even more necessary to help change management flow easier. The change management that Ampcus helps the client with brings about a successful organizational change which leads to the digital reformation.

  1. Choose which process needs to be automated in the organization

Organizations need to choose wisely about which processes they want to automate. Ampcus helps the client decide processes that are best suited for automation. This helps the client to understand the capabilities of the robotic automation process. Processes that need automation vastly can be categorized into four areas:

  • Those that need a documented process that is stable, predictable and consistent, all the while defining the operational costs.
  • The processes that do not require human intervention at regular intervals and can be easily automated.
  • The processes with a high volume of data and are frequently used. These processes generally lead to quick ROI.
  • Those processes can be turned into savings based on their accuracy, speed, and cost.
Before and After RPA Implementation

                                           Before and after the Implementation of RPA

  1. Build Partnership:

When departments work as individual silos in an organization, automation cannot be implemented successfully. All the departments must work as a team and draw on the available resources which can implement automation. Despite the IT department is responsible for software robots, the end-users must be incorporated into the robotic process automation. This is as the end-users possess the knowledge of the functioning of the department and can help the IT department be more accurate through knowledge transfer.

The end-user feedback plays an important role in the RPA as they have the direct effect of this digital change. This feedback helps in improving the RPA as it is an efficient process for information gathering.

  1. Training as a part of RPA

All employees of different levels need to be made aware and provided guidance about the benefits and the functioning of RPA. Everyone, even those remotely connected to the department must be offered structured and pinpointed guidance about RPA.

RPA creates branches in the workstream and has an impact on the business as a whole. This ramification is the reason that RPA has earned the title of ‘disruptive technology’. It is also important that all the employees are made aware of the uses of automation, identifying the software robots and how they can assist the employees in the completion of projects in their day-to-day tasks and creates a higher value for the project.

Employees need to be categorized into a team of trainers and those who can be trained by this team. Once the team of trainers understands the functionality of RPA they can impart their knowledge to other employees. This knowledge includes the functionality and the limits of automation that enables reasonable expectations maintenance.

  1. Core team-building

A core team of selected members can be considered as an initial induction of your business as the RPA Centre of Excellence. The entire business must run as a unit, including the manual functioning departments and the automated departments. The core team is a part of the long term plan to maintain this balance. As the members of the core team have a clear view of the initial requirement and the process of induction, they can provide inputs on the efficient implementation of automation. They will be the deciders of ‘which process, when and what for to automate’.

The team can also include experts in the industry outside the organization. It provides an objective understanding of the automation process and becomes a valuable asset when dealing with big projects.

  1. Critical Test plans

Your business must create two test plans. These include the initial test plan and a fall back plan for the automation process. Different environments are used to build, develop and test the plans created. Required approvals need to be collected before deploying the plans and heading for the working process. Both the test environments should contain all the most recent test data. In the event of any changes after deployment of automation, the fallback plan will aid in re-work and deployment into the working environment.

Robotic Process Automation Lifecycle

                                                          Robotic Process Automation in Action

1. ‘Process developers’ specify the detailed instructions for robots to perform and ‘publish’ them to the robot controller repository.

2. The robot controller is used to assign jobs to robots and to monitor their activities.

3. Each robot is located in a client environment — which may be virtualized or physical — where it interacts directly with business applications.

4. Business users review and resolve any exceptions or escalations.

5. Robots are capable of interacting with a wide range of applications.


Every day, 24% of employees’ time is spent on collecting the relevant information from different servers, this adds up to more than a third part of their working days in collecting the concerned data over various systems. RPA makes a significant impact on this activity by turning the time-wasting activities into an easier process. This leads to the quick turnaround time of work, increased productivity of the business and improvement in job satisfaction to the employee.

It is estimated that the robotic automation market is set to reach three billion dollars by 2022. It not only provides a substantial competitive advantage to the competitors but also helps in keeping up and surpassing the cutting edge technologies.


Get in touch with Ampcus experts to learn how your business can successfully implement Robotic Process Automation!

About Ampcus

Ampcus Inc. is a Global leader in end-to-end IT Business Solutions and Services with latest Technologies and Insights to our customers. We are listed among the top 50 fastest growing companies in USA. Our approach ensures that you receive a seamless experience that will allow you to leverage the value of your technology investment and drive true performance improvement results.

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